Some time ago, you discovered me, dear readers, wandering the moors at dusk. With the idea of retreating to a hospitable place to spend the night, I spontaneously set off towards a mansion that had only been described to you as an extraordinary place, almost hidden away from time and space, where I could quickly settle down with a good book. This place is Uchronia's Haven. I wondered for a long time how to present it to you properly, then I thought I should probably start by introducing you to its occupants.
She is Delkinn the Calligrapher, mistress of Uchronia's Haven. She is known by many other names and uses many languages to disguise her true identity. Although her heart may seem hardened by ancient trials, she keeps within her the love of Books, Knowledge and Magic and is only waiting to share it with the refugees. Her husband is the Guardian of the place. He is a man of few words, who protects his home with wisdom and does not show himself. His name is known only to the refugees he trusts, but few pronounce it, and none in anger. He is the Balance of the Refuge, she is the Fury. She is the walls and he is the roof. Together they open their doors to the exiles of the Imaginary.
They are old friends of mines, and I have a special affection for them. In fact, our roads crossed a long time ago... From explored worlds to animated discussions, we have, in a way, faced together the adversity of certain inhospitable lands or shared with pleasure the wonder that only new discoveries can bring. From our respective adventures and our exchanges, many ideas were born and certain projects began to take shape. Among them, Uchronia's Haven. A place of welcome for all those who, like you and me, have enjoyed travelling through imaginary worlds and wish to share their experiences and discover others!
As you will have understood from this little presentation, Uchronia's Haven is a large-scale project! It is above all the project of friends, whom I have been lucky enough to know for many years, the kind of friends you can easily call a second family. It is therefore a project that is close to my heart and it is quite naturally that our partnership was formed.
The idea is simple, on paper at least, create from scratch a place dedicated to the Imaginary, where all would be welcome. A place where everyone could exchange, discuss, around themes that are dear to them, in an immersive and welcoming environment.
To build this ambitious project and start giving it life, the Haven has set up a website, centered around its blog. Compiling experiences of games or reading, cinema or music, it invites its visitors to express their own opinions, discuss and debate, because this is one of the particularities of enthusiasts: they can talk for hours about subjects that interest them. From this emulation a small community emerges in which there are creators. Whether they are musicians, craftsmen, teachers, animators or aspiring writers, they all bring a form of imagination to life in their own way. In order to go further, to bring people together physically and to give itself the means to achieve its ambitions, Uchronia's Haven has become an association whose objective is to develop local activities or meeting opportunities to promote this love of imaginary worlds.
While continuing to exchange online, the Haven is therefore developing its activities locally to continue to meet and bring together enthusiasts, with the eventual idea of physically creating a meeting place for them. This is why I can only encourage you to follow the Haven's news, to browse its blog and to make it your own, because this place will end up being familiar to you, a bit like another home where it is good to settle down in front of a book, around a game, with a coffee. So with me, push the doors of Uchronia's Haven!
UPDATE 20/06/2024
Uchronia's Haven is now moving ahead with its project, as one of its members, who wishes to acquire a property to live in, intends to make part of it available for the construction of the Haven. The acquisition of the property will require work to bring it into line with the requirements for welcoming the public: PRM (People with Reduced Mobility) access, equipment to enable the site to meet the necessary safety standards for establishments open to the public, not forgetting the work needed to make the site immersive.
That's why the Haven is launching an adventure in crowdfunding! The association needs your support, whether through a donation of just one euro or by sharing your thoughts.
Thank you for all the help you can give!